Ebola, big data, childhood cancers and medicines safety feature in new IMI Calls

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Today, the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) is launching two Calls for proposals that will advance medicines development in critical areas such as Ebola, childhood cancers, neurological disorders, and eye disease. The Calls will also add to IMI’s growing programme on Big Data for Better Outcomes.
Call topics
- Topic 1: Ebola
- Topic 2: Big data for better outcomes
- Topic 3: Childhood cancers
- Topic 4: Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
- Topic 5: Chronic pain
- Topic 6: Eye diseases
- Topic 7: Medicines safety
IMI 2 – Call 7 Topics on safety, Alzheimer’s/Parkinson’s diseases, pain, eye diseases, childhood cancers, big data
Deadline for submitting proposals: 17 March 2016
IMI 2 – Call 8 Ebola and related diseases
This Call for proposals will remain open for two years with the following cut-off dates for the submission of proposals: 16 March 2016, 15 September 2016, 16 March 2017, 14 September 2017, 15 March 2018.